The top-down product unboxing shot I’ve wanted for YEARS!

I’ve struggled to do product unboxing videos with using tripods and different mounts – cameras, tech, you name it – but today, I’m fixing that. With about $140 in new “studio” gear, I’m turning a vision into reality – a true top-down camera angle. In this video, I’ll show you what I got and how I’m using it to achieve this new camera angle, so you can do it for your OWN videos without spending a ton of money – and some extra uses for some of the kit as well!

Here’s what I’m featuring in today’s video:
NEEWER Overhead Camera Rig
NEEWER 192-LED Light Panel
Ulanzi F38 Quick Release Kit

And as a bonus, here’s the tripod I’ll be using for my light panel when it’s not on the work bench:
Ulanzi Omba Claw TT07 Travel Tripod

And, double bonus!!!  I did a separate video explaining why this type of rig is important and how to best set it up, over on my Creator Reality channel:


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