Creator Reality: How to create the SUPER HERO STROKE Effect in Davinci Resolve 19!

Today, we’re making a Super Hero Stroke Effect in Davinci Resolve 19.1, in the Fusion page! It’s a really slick effect, and I’ll walk you through every step from start to finish, in order to create this effect. We’re using things like the Fast Noise, Erode/Dilate, Glow, Displace, and Edge Detect nodes. I’ll show you how to create the nodes, change their values, connect them, and adjust things to your liking – enjoy! If you’re new to Fusion, pay attention – there’s lots of basic tricks and tips included – different ways to show nodes in the viewer, connect them, change values, switch between controls, zooming in on the viewers … basically anything you could want to do to get started in Davinci Resolve Fusion!


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