Creator Reality: Get great audio ANYWHERE with these plugins for Davinci Resolve!

Today we’re taking a look at 3 plugins for Davinci Resolve from Waves, which when combined with some built-in effects and some EQ work, will take your audio from meh to WHOAH. I’ve got three examples we’ll play with, from recording in a room with nothing but hard surfaces [lots of echo we have to remove], by the side of the road [road noise, car noise], and some motovlog audio [riding a motorcycle in a half helmet]. We’ll use them to clean up excess ambient noise, wind noise, isolate your voice, and there’s even a BONUS TIP for dealing with specific noises [like crickets] in your audio!

I paid for these plugins myself and have used them in hundreds of videos – they work GREAT!

Clarity Vx:
Clarity Vx DeReverb:
OneKnob Brighter:

Bonus question for anyone reading this: could you still hear the crickets? I’m partially deaf, so I *think* I got rid of all the cricket noise, but viewer feedback would be nice – so thanks in advance!


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