How to get great audio in some of the worst conditions

In this video, we’re tinkering with audio. In one of the worst environments to record a talking head. Hard surfaces everywhere, no sound-proofing, no treatments. BUT, I’ve got some plugins for Davinci Resolve to fix the audio, a physical modification to fix the loose RODE Wireless Go wind blocker, and some new Purple Panda microphones for various uses – and we’re trying it all out!

Help support the channel at no extra cost to you, by buying the things I showed off in the video [affiliate links]:
RODE Wireless Go
Purple Panda 2-pack
Stick-on Wind Muffs [for the double-sided tape]

For the plug-ins I use, check out Waves’ web site, specifically these plug-ins:
Clarity Vx
OneKnob Brighter
Clarity Dereverb


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