Is this all a waste of time? I mean, I WAS testing my GoPro Max 360 camera in 4 spots, so there’s that. Yep, we’re mounting it on my Harley Street Glide in several spots, which I haven’t done in a while – including a NEW one for me!
Get the Velcro straps I used in the video, as well as the cameras and mounting gear! [Amazon affiliate links]
Velcro Straps
GoPro Hero 10
GoPro Max
GoPro Hero 9
Insta 360 Motorcycle Mount Kit
Insta 360 Bullet Time Selfie Stick Kit
Sky JFFJ Thread-to-GoPro Adapter
GoPro Hero 9/10 Max Lens Mod
GoPro Hero 9/10 Media Mod
GoPro Jaws Clamp/Gooseneck Mount
Purple Panda Lapel Mic
GoPro Helmet Side Mount Kit