Subtitle: The Trials and Tribulations of a Motovlogger. Do we really need a subtitle? No? OK, well, you got one anyway. I mention it in the video anyhow. I mean, I could’ve called this video “How to stay positive in the face of adversity” or “How to stay positive when things aren’t going your way” … but I think this is better, do you?
This was NOT the video I set out to record. I mean, the intro was, but the rest? Not what I had planned at all. Murphy’s Law took over, and … yeah, just watch the video and have a laugh at or with your old buddy John
Oh well, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all of you, I wish you good cheer and fellowship!
PS: If you’re wondering if I found a solution for the faulty GoPro Hero 10 1.50 firmware and its interactions with The Remote, why yes, yes I did.