THIS IS EASY! Who says you can’t motovlog with a half helmet?

Who says you can’t motovlog in a half helmet on the HIGHWAY? Not me! And in THIS video, I’m proving it! Today, we’re riding on the Capital Beltway [495], hoping to check out the Mormon Temple at sunset. It ought to look pretty cool.

Also, I’ll have a more in-depth test/review video of the GoPro Enduro Batteries for the Hero 9/10 coming on the channel later, so subscribe so you don’t miss THAT!

If you want to pick up some GoPro Enduro batteries [mentioned in the video, and I think they’re worth it], you can get them here [affiliate link]

I’m using Waves Clarity Vx and Unimule’s Alex Audio Butler. Here are my review videos of those plugins [which I use with Davinci Resolve]:
Clarity Vx
Alex Audio Butler


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