DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME! Overhead GoPro Max 360 camera shot

The GoPro Max makes its triumphant return, in a new location! After the test, we try out a couple of other mounting locations, all using the Insta 360 Motorcycle Kit and Bullet Time Selfie Sticksee the links below the video to get your own gear and help out the channel at no extra cost to you!

Enjoy this test, and go check out Misplaced Motovlogger’s channel – he’s the guy who put me up to it! Tell him your old buddy John sent ya!

Links to the equipment I used to make this possible: (Amazon Affiliate Links)

GoPro Hero 10
GoPro Max
GoPro Hero 9
GoPro Hero 9 Media Mod
GoPro Hero 8
GoPro Hero 8 Media Mod
GoPro Jaws Clamp/Gooseneck Mount
Purple Panda Lapel Mic
RODE Wireless Go
GoPro Helmet Side Mount Kit
GoPro Seat Post Mount
RickRak Street Glide Fairing Mount
Insta 360 Motorcycle Mount Kit
Insta 360 Bullet Time Selfie Stick Kit
Sky JFFJ Thread-to-GoPro Adapter
Velcro Straps


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