The Story of how I wrecked my Vaquero and got back up on 2 wheels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs45rJKwj-Q
I encourage you to join us in completing the challenge! The rules are simple, and explained in the video, good luck! If you do one, don’t forget to drop a comment back here with the link to your video so we can all see it!
Thanks to Goofy Bastard for the Challenge, so if you haven’t go check out his channel and the other ones shouted-out in this video! If you like what they’re doing, subscribe and let ’em know your old buddy John sent ya!
Goofy Bastard
Christopher David Lawson of NEPA
Dewey Rides
Kode Grey
SHHH Moto Travels
Trekkie Moto
Walt in PA