GoPro Hero 9 Version 1.60 Firmware Upgrade! Does it work? How to manually update GoPro software

As a motovlogger, I’m always on the lookout for new hardware and software to make the process of vlogging easier.  Sometimes, however, new hardware while nice, just has bugs in its software.  Luckily, GoPro is keeping at it, incrementally improving their cameras’ firmware as they go.

Today, GoPro announced Version 1.60 of their flagship Hero 9’s firmware!  In it, the big-ticket item is a more responsive touch screen can they even do that using software?  In this video, I’ll show you what the previous (Version 1.52) firmware was like, the manual upgrade process – it’s billed as the most reliable way to upgrade a GoPro’s software – and then test the responsiveness of the Hero 9’s rear screen after the update.

Enjoy, and don’t forget to Subscribe to Road Reality on YouTube!


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