I really do NOT like to ride angry. There’s no reason for it. I also do NOT like to be negative on my channel.
While these are rules I try to live by, every rule needs a few exceptions, and this video is one of them. After losing an entire ride’s worth of footage yet again, I’m mad. GoPro, fix your stuff! The flagship camera, from the flagship action camera company, just shouldn’t have this issue.
Also, I check out some bikes at Old Glory Harley-Davidson, and find out if I won a free t-shirt!
Well, the video isn’t 100% negative, so let’s make a game of how many times I complain about GoPro – leave your best guess in the comments on the video and check back in at the end to see how close you were!
Lastly, there are Chapters on this video, so use the red play bar at the bottom of the video, or click on the time stamps in the video’s description to skip around.