Meta Monday – 2 Things that Gave Me A Chuckle …

Is #MetaMonday a thing?  No?  It should be!  I find humor in some funny things.  Yeah, I said that.  I stand by it.  I gave myself a chuckle due to TWO inadvertent things that I noticed about my YouTube Channel today.  The first is the pictures to the right.  Keep reading, and you’ll see why… and probably an insight into what makes me, me.

See those two pics above this text?  Yep – In the second one, I cropped it a bit so you can see – the video on the far-right is titled “Calm Before The Storm”.  Then, over the next 3 days, I released 4 more videos.  So that video was literally the calm before a flurry of videos got released.  That’s chuckle #1.

Chuckle #2 came when I was reviewing my Speed Editor Unboxing video.  I noticed that when I was recording it, I was wearing an Alaska zip-up hoodie.  While sitting in front of a landscape that could quite possibly BE Alaska.  It’s not – a friend of mine informed me it was taken in Canada, and a reverse image search confirmed this. [I downloaded it from a stock photo site – don’t hate me!]  I didn’t even bother to change my clothing from the time the box showed up to when I pressed record – only to check that nothing had any green in it.

How’s that for Meta?  And both were totally by coincidence!

Also, if you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen these pics, but for some reason, there’s no cross-posting going on between Insta and Road Reality’s Facebook page.  Oh well.



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