Automatic Audio Mixing in Davinci Resolve with Alex Audio Butler [plugin review]

Audio is THE HARDEST part of editing a video.  You can color grade your video to your heart’s content, but without decent audio, your video could possibly fall flat.  Making sure the audio volumes are set properly, keyframing it, and ducking music underneath voice… well that’s all time-consuming, isn’t it?  In moto vlogging, audio is even harder, because you have to contend with wind, engine, and road noise, while keeping your voice audible and then adding a background music layer track sometimes.

Enter Alex Audio Butler, a plugin for Davinci Resolve [and Adobe Premier Pro] which purportedly does all the audio mixing for you!  Does it work?  Is it expensive?  How do you use it?  Got some examples of it in use?  The answers to ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS is in the video below, so check it out!

I know it’s long [21 minutes], but in it, I go through how to set it up, how to use it, and show a ton of examples and give you some tips & tricks on how best to supercharge your audio in Davinci Resolve 17.  There are Chapters in this video, so give those a click to jump around and see what applies to your specific needs!

Thanks to the folks at Unimule for sending me a copy of Alex Audio Butler for me to review on my YouTube ChannelClick here to visit their web site and purchase a copy for yourself!  If you have any questions, leave me a comment on the YouTube video or in the Comments section below!


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