In late December, I bought myself a Mount Dog LED bi-color soft box kit, and for Christmas, my wife bought me a Valera Creator 95 collapsible green screen … and I got a chance to unbox them and test ’em out! Spoiler alert: I love them!
If you’re using a camera to do low-light photography or video, you’ll quickly realize that light is, well, necessary! Using a GoPro to film my off-bike shots in my porch was painful, to say the least. And let’s not forget where I’m shooting: a glassed-in porch full of stuff… stuff you don’t necessarily want on-screen. Gotta fix that.
Enter the Mount Dog soft box & Valera green screen combo … one cleans up the footage and the other, well it cleans up the footage too! In this video, I go through all the modes on the soft box’s LED (with the included remote control!) and unbox & set up the green screen.
If you want to buy either product, click on the Amazon Affiliate Links below:
Mount Dog Bi-Color LED Soft Box
Valera Creator 95 Collapsible Green Screen