Noise Reduction and Vocal Channel Audio Effects in Davinci Resolve 17, for Moto Vloggers [DR4MV]

As a moto vlogger, the number one issue I’ve had to contend with is AUDIO.  It’s an extra challenge because I choose to wear a half helmet and still want to record my vlogs, which makes things difficult.  Sure, I could wear a full-face helmet, but that’s just not my style, and to be honest, I don’t mind the extra challenge!

While there’s an old adage that the best way to fix audio is to record cleaner audio, that’s what I’ve done – to the best of my ability.

Given that I use Davinci Resolve 17 to edit my videos, I have a wide array of things to try to fix the audio, and while there are tutorials out there for them, none seem to focus on the use case of a moto vlogger.

This year, I’m out to fix that glaring omission in YouTube.  Yep, a whole series of tutorials for Davinci Resolve 17 revolving around how moto vloggers will use the program!  I have a bunch of ideas, but I’m also asking you for your input on this one – if there’s something you want me to cover, leave a comment here or on one of my YouTube videos.

Without further yada yada-ing, here’s the first video in the DR4MV Series – Audio Effects … specifically the Noise Reduction and Vocal Channel effects, as they apply to moto vlog footage!  Enjoy!

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