When Life Hands you Lemons … add vodka and make it a drink, right?
I’ve made posts in the past about getting good and bad audio, and even mentioned it in one (probably many) of my YouTube videos. I was pretty happy with my motovlog audio setup. At least until recently.
The bad audio bug bit again! With temps dropping, I broke out my winter riding jacket. It’s mesh like my summer jacket, but has a liner in it. Immediately, my voice got muffled and nasally in my vlog footage. Obviously, that’s no good – I’m used to a certain quality (or lack thereof) in my videos, and this ain’t cuttin’ it.
For a little background on my gear, I’m using a GoPro Hero 8, with the Media Mod on it, and a Purple Panda lapel mic (Amazon Affiliate Links).
A problem that needs solving, and low fuel in my Street Glide gave me an excuse to do some quick testing. 30mph for a short distance (ie, to a gas station nearby) would let me know if I was on the right track.
When I got back and reviewed the footage, it was better – but still not good enough! I did some more research and devised some more tests…
The results were AMAZING!
OK, not all of them. Also, reading about it won’t do it justice, so have a listen/watch:
Perseverance pays off, folks! What do you think of the new mic setup?