Moto Vlog Gear Setup: GoPro Hero 8 Low Light Mode (Test Video)

As part of my new “Moto Vlog Gear Setup” series on YouTube, I recently did a test of my GoPro Hero 8 in “Low Light” mode.  Here’s the YouTube video test I did, followed by my notes:


  1. “Low Light” mode means just low CITY lights.  Back Roads, even with LED headlights, are too dim for the GoPro’s sensor to pick up much light.  You CAN, however, brighten things up in post-production (like I did here) and get so-so or decent results, but stick to city streets if you’re moto vlogging at night.
  2. The image stabilization takes a big hit in this mode.  My helmet (and thus the camera) movement is more pronounced here than in regular mode.
  3. Change your resolution.  At 1080p 60fps, the image is quite blurry.  I read somewhere that 1080p/30fps is much better for sharpness.  I guess that’ll be cause for another test? 😀

Good luck!


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