Perseverance. Stubbornness. Stupidity. Call it what you will, but I just spent 4 hours making a 6-second clip. I was going to post some stills from recent rides today, but this sucked up my entire evening.
4 hours straight.
To make a 6-second clip.
That probably doesn’t even look professional.
But. I. Did. It. I think it’s pretty badass. Did you look at the pic above? It’s a still from an upcoming video I’m working on, and it’s the effect I pictured in my head when I storyboarded the video. Sure, I filmed alternate versions of this shot, but this is the one I wanted.
For those who are wondering, I create my videos in DaVinci Resolve 16, and this clip is using Fusion and its built-in Tracker feature to overlay a video on top of my existing video, while tracking the cardboard in my hands.
It sounds easy, but in fact it was quite difficult, and the results were not quite what I wanted, but they’re close enough, so I’m rolling with it. I’m not a professional video editor and I have no experience with video editing prior to this, unless you count a few videos I made 7 years ago in iMovie.
My point being: if you WANT something, work HARD and make it happen!