Time-Lapse Video of F-150 Being Washed and Waxed

WashAndWaxTruck_ScreenGrabI’ve only had my GoPro Hero3 for a week now, so I’m still playing with all the settings and related software before posting a thorough review.  Since it was time to give my truck it’s spring wash and wax, I thought it would be a good time to catch some time lapse footage.  While I recorded in regular speed, I used the CineForm Studio software from GoPro to speed it up, creating the time lapse.  Click past the jump for the video and more details.

There are two ways (that I know of) to do time-lapse photography with a GoPro.  One is to set the camera up to do it, and the other is to record at normal speed, and convert using software provided by GoPro.  I opted for the latter, as I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do with the footage.  While the video was still in CineForm Studio, I added a “ProTune” effect, which makes the colors in the video pop.  After importing into iMovie on my MacBook Pro, I was able to add an intro, credits, music and transitions, resulting in the video you see below.

For those of you who may be wondering, I use Meguiar’s Gold Class car wash in one bucket of lukewarm water, nothing but cold water from the hose in my second bucket (which is used to clean the mitt before refilling it with soapy water), and I waxed the truck with Meguiar’s Cleaner Wax paste.  I used microfiber cloths to dry the truck before waxing it, and also to buff the wax off.

by John Suit

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