Want a company car? Work for GM!

In a lot of production environments, there is a saying: “Eating one’s own dog food.”  If you’re unfamiliar with the quote, it’s when a company uses its own products.  It’s an easy way for companies to add to the amount of testing a product undergoes before being released to customers, and generally leads to better products.  In the case of a new program started by GM, employees at its Renaissance Center building will be able to check out the company’s cars overnight.  The program is the Company Vehicle Ambassador Program, and aims to spread good words about GM’s newest products.  Traditionally, only managers and executives were able to drive the company-owned vehicles.

So far, 500 employees have opted into the program, which uses some vehicles recycled from the corporate test fleet, since GM is currently facing shortages of their most popular vehicles.  Amanda Halabou, an investigator in GM’s global security group, borrowed a Chevy Camaro for a weekend during December, and had this to say, “It allows me to speak more knowledgably about the vehicles when I am trying to promote the product or promote the company.”  This fits another motive GM has for the program: it turns regular employees into salespersons for the company, since a lot of the vehicles will be used to go shopping, to church, or run errands.  If people see and ride in the vehicles and like them, GM sales are bound to rise.  Given GM’s current push for more quality and features in their cars, this program has a good chance of helping GM, if only in the Detroit area.

by John Suit

Source: Detroit Free Press

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1 Comment

  1. I used the Ambassador Program last year on the third weekend of July for a annual meeting that I am required to attend in North Carolina every year because I am President of a Homeowners Association there. It was a perfect situation for the program to do exactly what it was intended for. Unfortunately, this year the days to request changed from Thursday to Wednesday as well as the time of day to request have changed from 3pm to 1pm and as of this last month changed again to 8:30pm. I know two individuals who have in the last year upgraded from foreign automobiles to GM, thanks in all to my allowing these people the opportunity to see and feel how great an American automobile is. The feeling of owning a vehicle that is “Made in America” & built by Americans is like no other. Passing that on is nothing less than my privilege. Unfortunately I’ve been unable to reserve a vehicle thru the Ambassador Program for this year. I am still in need of a vehicle for my trip. My plans are to leave by the 16th of July, next Thursday. Is it possible to still acquire a vehicle by then thru this inquiry. Having worked for GM for 30 years I wondered why I was not notified of the changes in the request days & times. I would have been More than happy to have complied under the standard rules & regulations. Seeing co-workers receiving Ambassador vehicles weekly & bi-weekly all year long gets to say the least frustrating when I only look for this program once a year.

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